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You Must Know! The Difference between Conventional and Digital Marketing

You Must Know! The Difference between Conventional and Digital Marketing

27 Dec 2024

To develop a business, business people must take the right steps in determining marketing strategies, namely conventional and digital marketing. Because business development will be more optimal if the strategy used is right.

In general, marketing is a series of processes to introduce products in various ways to the public. This marketing activity has the aim that the product or service has many enthusiasts.

Marketing Konvensional dan Digital

Recognize the Difference between Conventional and Digital Marketing

In general, types of marketing are distinguished from the media used, namely conventional and digital marketing. Digital marketing is a marketing strategy for goods and services using digital-based media. Meanwhile, conventional marketing is a marketing strategy using physical tools and means. Between the two there are several differences as follows:

1. Promotion Media

Digital marketing includes the use of the internet and also various modern technology products, such as social media and email. Generally, social media is used such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. In addition, promotion through blogs, websites and e-commerce.

Meanwhile, conventional marketing still uses old media or appears physically. Such as billboards, banners and advertisements in newspapers. In addition, there are promotional media in the form of ad impressions on radio and television to advertising at certain events.

2. Target Consumer

Digital marketing strategies use online platforms, tools and channels to market products or services. Then communication and advertising are carried out via the internet. So that the target consumer is more specific and can be arranged according to the product or service. For example, gender, age, interests, demographics and others are adjusted.

Meanwhile, conventional marketing prioritizes persuasion and communication skills by installing billboards or interacting face-to-face with target consumers.

3. Marketing Costs

The next difference between digital and conventional marketing is in terms of marketing. For digital marketing, the cost is low. Even by utilizing websites and social media, there is no need to pay, aka free. However, you can take paid ads, even so it is still affordable.

In contrast to conventional marketing, it costs much more. Because, this marketing strategy involves radio, television to printing.

4. Communication

Through digital marketing, you will get easy access when communicating with potential consumers. Because the media used tends to be more flexible to interact. You can even get feedback on consumer experience while using the product or service.

In contrast to conventional marketing, because the promotional media used is less flexible. So that it cannot communicate with consumers effectively. For example, for advertisements in print media, the audience who sees the ad directly cannot interact or respond.

It is different for conventional door-to-door marketing. However, this type of promotion is rarely done because it requires target consumers first.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing strategies that use digital-based media have several advantages. Here are some of them.

1. Boost Sales Figures

A wide market reach will have a big impact on increasing sales figures. This is influenced by the ease of information on a product obtained by consumers.

2. Wider Target Market Reach

A wider target market that can be reached will make the product known to more consumers with various backgrounds. Both domestic and foreign consumers. So that digital marketing strategies for product marketing have the potential to increase business.

3. More Economical

If you have limited funds, digital marketing is one of the right solutions. Although the results may not be as big as paid digital marketing, the opportunity to be recognized by many people is more promising than using conventional promotions.

Advantages of Conventional Marketing

Conventional marketing uses traditional media such as radio, television, print media and newspapers. Until now, conventional marketing is still used considering that each consumer’s needs and preferences differ greatly when choosing the media used. So it is very important that the marketing campaign can be achieved effectively.

Here are some of the advantages of conventional marketing.

1. Has a Strong Impression

Print ads or in media such as television can create a strong impression on the audience. In addition, it can strengthen the reputation of the company. However, the advertisement displayed must stand out and be attractive so that the audience is impressed with the products offered.

2. Reaching Customers with Minimal Internet

The reach of marketing through digital media is likely only those who are connected to the internet. So it is important to promote through conventional marketing that can reach a wider audience, including audiences that are not connected to the internet.

Well, that’s the difference between conventional and digital marketing. Both have their own advantages. Choose the marketing strategy that suits your business needs. If you’re planning to take advantage of an attractive early year bundling promo, REBOUND Ads is the right choice.

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