For months that the Covid-19 virus has spread, scientists in the world are still trying to create vaccines for human protection against the virus. Until recently, the world finally got good news with the presence of a covid-19 vaccine which has given a good signal through several tests that have been carried out.
So far, the vaccine test conducted in Indonesia has been running smoothly. Through this good news, the Covid-19 Virus Handling Team and Kominfo held an advertising campaign regarding the vaccine. The campaign was carried out by displaying advertisements in the form of animated videos at MediaMove’s premium OOH advertising locations spread across four cities, namely the Senayan Billboard Monorail, the Bogor Kujang Ornament LED, the LED Triangle CPI Makassar and the LED Discovery Mall Bali.
The campaign duration with the headline “Not Know, So Not Immune” was carried out from early November to the end of the year. The headline is an effort to communicate or introduce to the public about the vaccine, where the purpose of vaccination is for immunity and self-protection against the threatening Covid-19 virus. The video that runs also shows an animation of how vaccines work in the human body. Through a series of trials that have been carried out such as in Bandung and Bogor, the Covid-19 Handling Team and Kominfo are confident that vaccine is safe and effective.
Reporting from the page, that in order to guarantee and maintain the quality of the vaccine, the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) participated in being flown to China to see and monitor the development and production process of the vaccine. This includes LP POM MUI joining together to ensure and carry out halal audits.
Vaccination, Protect Yourself, Protect The Country.
Thanks to this OOH advertising locations, which tens to hundreds of thousands of vehicles pass every day, it is hoped that it can help increase public awareness of the importance of vaccines, so that this vaccination campaign is in line with expectations and is successful. If you have a product and are interested in advertising in our premium OOH advertising locations, you can contact us at 0813-1301-0116 and get attractive offers from us.