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Getting know the Bogor Landmark through the Bogor City of Runners Totem

Getting know the Bogor Landmark through the Bogor City of Runners Totem

2 Dec 2020

Totem Bogor City Of Runners is now in the maintenance and preparation stage for full functionality. In a glimpse of repeating again, Totem Bogor City of Runners is the result of a breakthrough collaboration between MediaMove and the Bogor city government with the consideration that the city of Bogor is a city of runners.

There are so many running communities and high enthusiasm for running from the public, seen from the Bogor Botanical Gardens pedestrian path which is never empty of runners. The Bogor City of Runners totem or signboard later on aims to accommodate and complement the needs of runners in Bogor by presenting a number of features with the applications in it, such as tracking running routes, distances, animating encouragement, to getting points every time they pass the totem or signboard and points can be exchanged to merchants who work with MediaMove.

Not only that, the making of this totem has been made as much as possible to add to the aesthetics of the city of Bogor, especially the Bogor Botanical Gardens. There are nine totem points scattered around the Bogor Botanical Gardens, each 500m apart. In part of totem, there is public education by adding a glimpse of information about the landmarks around the Bogor Botanical Gardens or around the totem. Instead of lingering around wondering how the totem design and the landmarks in the totem, let us look together:

Starting Point Totem 0,0 km

As the starting point for the Bogor City of Runners totem run, this totem is located close to gate 3 of the Bogor Botanical Gardens.

Kujang Monument Totem 0.5 km

Totem shows landmark a nearby, the Kujang monument. The information conveyed was written In the Kujang Monument there is the inscription “Dinu kiwari ngancik nu bihari seuja ayeuna sampeureun jaga ” which also means” What is done today, and tomorrow must be better than the previous days “. An information that is rarely known to the public, right? Of course, with this kind of education, it is expected to increase the knowledge of the Bogor Botanical Gardens pedestrian users.

Bogor Botanical Garden Totem 1.0 km

Totem Is located on the otista bridge close to the main entrance of the Bogor Botanical Gardens. This totem displays information about the Corpse Flower which is the main attraction of the Bogor Botanical Gardens. It is written that when the corpse flower approaches its blooming period, it will give off a very strong smell of carcass. This flower can reach a height of 2 meters and is the largest compound flower in the plant world. Through this information it is hoped that it will generate and remind the public of admiration for landmark this.

Zoologi Museum Bogor Totem 1.5 km

Totem features the Landmark Bogor Zoological Museum which was founded on August 23, 1894. This museum is known internationally as a reference by the name Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense (MZB). The current condition is that the level of community visits to the museum is not high. With this unique glimpse of information in the totem. It is hoped that the community will visit the Bogor Zoological Museum.

Bogor Palace Totem 2.0km

This totem features Landmark the Bogor Palace. Who does not know the Bogor Palace? It is one of the places that was the residence of the president of the Republic of Indonesia when. Not far from the Bogor Palace, in the palace yard there are many deer that were released. These deer colonies often become spots photos for the people and tourists who come. On the totem it is written that it turned out that the deer was first imported in 1808 from Nepal by the Governor General of the Netherlands. Of course, this is a new knowledge for the public and tourists.

Totem 2,5 km & 3,0 km

The totem at these two points has a different placement style, if the other stands upright, the two-point totem is planted in the pedestrian path and will light up at night.

Sempur Totem 3.5 km

Totem show Sempur Field Landmark, with the words “Derived from the name of a kind of plant, Sempur, the Sempur Field area has several sports facilities, a running field track, a basketball court, and a soccer field.” The position of the field is lower than the highway, making it easier to see for anyone who crosses it, especially if there is a big event it will certainly be crowded along the road.

Finish Point Totem 4,0km

bogor city of runners
This totem is the finish point of the Bogor City of Runners Totem, this totem is located close to the Siloam Hospital.

We sincerely hope that this totem can function fully soon and provide many benefits to the community. Apart from the totem, MediaMove is planning to build other facilities that will complement the needs of the community. Are you curious about these facilities? keep up with the latest news from us by following our social media accounts.