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Here’s How Pandji Pragiwaksono “Maximizes” Ads on Billboard

Here’s How Pandji Pragiwaksono “Maximizes” Ads on Billboard

25 Nov 2020

“Billboard is not dead, but you have to know how to use it,” said Pandji Pragiwaksono in his YouTube video channel which was uploaded a few hours ago. That sentence is the outline discussed by Pandji Pragiwaksono regarding Billboard.

In the 17-minute video duration, Pandji thoroughly explores how recently Billboard’s media went viral and garnered great attention from the public. A few weeks ago Arief Muhammad (Poconggg), Ivan Gunawan, and Deddy Corbuzier got the spotlight from netizens because of their genius in using billboards.

Deddy Corbuzier went viral because he posted his YouTube channel ad on Billboard which was then responded negatively (jokingly) by his friend Ivan Gunawan. Seeing this, Deddy Corbuzier actually “haunted” Ivan by posting billboard advertisements in many locations in Jakarta that he often passed.

Not receiving it, Ivan also posted an ad on the billboard which was located right in front of Daddy’s. A month earlier, Arief Muhammad (poconggg) went viral because he put up a photo with a design like he wanted to run for election contestation. The two of them become public conversations and viral on social media.


Nyatanya, Pandji Pragiwaksono telah melakukan hal yang sama tepatnya pada dua tahun lalu. Pandji memasangkan iklan berdesain seperti pencalonan diri untuk pemilu, semua penggemar membicarakannya di sosial media Twitter, hingga grup WhatsApp dan LINE. Di dalam billboard yang dipasang di Cihampelas Bandung itu tertera sebuah tautan yang apabila diklik akan muncul countdown dalam hitungan sebulan.

Selama berlangsungnya pemasangan iklan, Pandji terus mengunggah foto dengan berbagai warna yang identik dengan partai – partai, hingga para politisi pun menghubunginya. Setelah countdown selesai, melalui tautan yang bahkan sampai down karena overload, barulah diketahui bahwa billboard Pandji Pragiwaksono itu adalah bagian dari campaign penjualan tiket World Tour nya, alhasil tiket itu pun habis terjual dengan cepat.


Pandji Pragiwaksono was also visited by many news media regarding his brilliant ideas, even he himself doubted that it would not have been this exciting if he only held a Press Conference as usual.


Early in 2020 Pandji repeated advertisements on ten spots (9 LED 1 Billboard) in Jakarta with ten different designs. Pandji also made games for his fans, to take pictures in each of these designs then post it on Instagram, the first 100 people will get free tickets to watch at Istora Senayan. Because of these games, it finally went viral on social media and the reach is getting bigger than just a vehicle passing through the billboard.

Pandji Pragiwaksono said that there was no way like before, when you had money, then put an ad on the Bilboard, then just left it during installation and that was very unfortunate.

Pandji continued that the billboard must be linked to a comprehensive campaign that utilizes social media in it. Because all conversations occur on social media even when the billboards are on the streets.

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Sure enough, Arief Muhammad, Deddy Corbuzier and Ivan Gunawan also used social media to echo the ads they put on Billboard. Even though it is said to follow Pandji’s way, Pandji does not care about the idea, for him the idea that has been executed will be an inspiration for anyone and whoever has the right to use it.

At the end of the video, Pandji regrets the advertisements that are only posted in various media, but among them have nothing to do with it. It should be maximized with the internet and social media to create higher engagement. “Billboard is just a tool, how to use the tool is crucial,” concluded Pandji.

Apart from the method Panji Pragiwaksono provides, there are still many ways that can be used to maximize advertisements on Billboard or any media, but one important thing is that in essence advertising requires a mature campaign concept so that advertising is not just an advertisement, but becomes a topic of conversation. then increase the ad engagement itself.

For those of you who are interested in advertising by implementing attractive campaigns like this, MediaMove has many billboards with premium locations which can certainly help optimize your campaign. For further interaction, you can contact us at 0813-1301-0116 and can follow our social media accounts to find out about developments in the world of outdoor advertising.