Kayuh Bike and MediaMove has collaborated with the Bogor City Government to supporting Bogor City as a Green City and the output is to create city environment friendly transportation, namely bicycles made of wood. This program does not takes from the Bogor’s APBD, because it allocated from Mediamove advertisement compensation.
The effort was discussed in an audience with the Bogor City Mayor, Bima Arya in Paseban Punta Punta, Bogor City Hall, Wednesday (10/17/2018), explaining that the bicycles were made is a local brand made by wood material waste.
“This is gonna be the first in the world and we present it in the Bogor city. Because, in order to deliver these youth’s message into international level. The rest of the tourists who come to the Bogor city can also find out that the iconic of thing of Bogor isn’t only Tugu Kujang or Bogor Palace and Botanical Gardens. but also this (wooden) bicycle too, “said Lidan.
Kayuh Bike in concert with MediaMove want to build a local brand that using Internet of Things (IoT) tech and mobiles apps. Moreover, the Mayor also give support and hope the plan to bring Kayuh Bike into Bogor City soon to realized.
Meanwhile, the appreciation given by the Mayor of Bogor City Bima Arya for the plan of Kayuh Bike and MediaMove that will present a Bike Share program with wooden bikes into Bogor City. An additional, the bicycle will be present in the Bogor Botanical Gardens’s pedestrian area and around the One Direction System (SSA).
“It’s amazing, very interesting. It only needs to coordination with the related institution. I hope this Kayuh Bike Share Bogor with wooden bike can be a new destination for tourism in Bogor City,” said Bima.