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New Year 2021, MediaMove Show Followers Resolution on Videotron Kujang Bogor

New Year 2021, MediaMove Show Followers Resolution on Videotron Kujang Bogor

10 Jan 2021

Ending 2020, MediaMove held an interesting quiz for Instagram followers. MediaMove invites followers to write their 2020 resolutions through the Instagram Question Tag feature. MediaMove randomly chose three answers to be broadcast on the LED videotron Kujang Bogor.

Throughout 2020, there are many obstacles and challenges faced due to the impact of the spreading pandemic. We have learned a lot about new habits amid the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. All activities are limited to prevent the spread of the virus. Looking at the new year 2021 as a restart button, many people have written their resolutions.

Followers Resolution Through Question Tags. Source:

MediaMove gives space for writers of hope and spreads these good wishes in 15 videotrons located on Jalan Raya Pajajaran, Bogor. The enthusiasm of MediaMove’s Instagram followers or commonly called #SobatWeMove is very high, seen from the number of participants who wrote their resolutions on the question tag.

videotron bogor led kujang
Source: Mediamove

Some of them are prayers to open a business, become established, become a better person even they want a healthy and lean body. The three winners were announced via Instastory yesterday (4/1). Instagram profiles and selected #SobatWeMove resolutions will be shown for two days on Videotron. So … What are your hopes and resolutions in 2021? Whatever your hopes and resolutions in 2021, hopefully they will be achieved and carried out easily and smoothly.

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