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OOH Media Opportunity To Attract Consumer Interest Significantly Increase

OOH Media Opportunity To Attract Consumer Interest Significantly Increase

16 Dec 2021

The opportunity for OOH media this time is quite increased and attracts a lot of consumers. According to the latest research, Covid will no longer be a hindrance to most consumers’ journeys in the following winter.

The reason is that by looking at advertisements, almost half of tourists say that they have made travel plans for the first half of 2022. This proves that the role of advertisements is to convince their intention to travel within a short time after they have decided on a destination.

Take Advantage of OOH Media Opportunities To Take New Resonance When People Travel

Advertising media study the opportunities and opportunities of finding customer confidence to travel for vacations. These are just a few of OOH Media Opportunities’ key insights, namely Consumer Insights and intent early 2022.

This is a report from a recent Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) study conducted in partnership with The Harris Poll. OAAA is the national trade association for the entire out of home or OOH and digital OOH media ecosystem.

From studies show that confidence in air travel is increasing. Moreover, the number of tourists or travelers who want to get on a plane in 2022 is increasing

2 times more. This has happened since the 2020 holiday season, which rose from 24 percent to around 51 percent. So that these opportunities and opportunities can be used to increase advertising both at the airport and on the roads to vacation spots. In order to reach everyone who makes the journey.

The good news is also happening at the local level. That 43 percent of Americans planning local trips is getting normal and rising too. In fact, more than 27% of their travel plans will be the same as before COVID. Although later focus on traveling or leaving the house for a closer trip. This is an increase of 19% stating the same during winter 2021.

While 11% plan to increase the number of trips they take by 9% mileage compared to last year.

At least take advantage of the moment, advertising outside the home can still be fully installed to maximize OOH media opportunities.

This is a fun thing, more and more people are traveling and moving around during the holiday season. So the role of OOH advertising is increasingly providing marketers or brands with attractive opportunities in reaching consumers who have just come out of the pandemic.

People come with a fresh outlook and an increased appetite for outdoor experiences and sharing experiences. In fact many people say that the number of OOH ads installed even rose significantly starting from September 2020 in a 9 point jump.

Significant Increase in Use of OOH Advertising in the Environment

Specifically, consumers found that home advertising related to retail reached 63%, food and beverage reached 60%, fast food about 62% were the most relevant to people’s interests.

Especially for urbanites who are in big cities, at least 1 million are open to the OOH experience. Whereas in October 2021, 64 percent said that many saw OOH media opportunities billboards, signboards, posters, outdoor videos, billboards and other forms of OOH.

In addition, overall there are 85% of them who say this OOH ad is very useful. Including finding out about special offers and promotions 42%. While learning a new business or service as much as 29%.

In fact, these OOH ads are more targeted and become the most useful advertising medium. This is because despite the growing digital consumption during the pandemic, 60% of Americans say they still often miss online advertising because digital devices often run out of steam.

With the OOH media opportunity, many travelers will book trips and do so comfortably for long trips. Anna Bager as President and CEO of OAAA explained that the survey made it clear that advertisers need to pay attention to the OOH advertisements. Because consumer travel is back to pre-Covid conditions. But this also comes with an added element of even greater OOH awareness.

Not only ready to travel but also ready to consume and learn about new products. Americans remain focused on OOH advertising. According to John Gerzema CEO of The Harris Poll, explaining that is why OOH has such a huge opportunity to take on new resonance when people travel both long distances and locally.

People will spend a lot of time outside the home and move around. Marketers should pay attention to this trend, especially as the holiday season approaches. OAAA represents 800 members including advertisers, media companies, ad technology providers, agencies, leading suppliers of more than 90 percent of the Industry.

OOH media includes street furniture, billboards, place-based media, as well as digital DOOH formats in each channel sector. Existing OOH media opportunities must be utilized to provide the best service to consumers.