When deciding to place an advertisement, of course you need to pay attention to the location. In this case, CPI Makassar can be the best location for advertising. More precisely, if you utilize the CPI Makassar triangle videotron. The reason is, there are many benefits of advertising on the CPI Makassar triangle videotron.
Myriad Benefits of Advertising on the Makassar CPI Triangle Videotron
Location selection is very important in placing advertisements. If it is careless or haphazard, it can make the advertising results unsatisfactory.
And vice versa. Advertising in the right place can provide many advantages or benefits. For that reason, don’t hesitate to advertise on the CPI Makassar triangle videotron.
As a potential location for advertising, you can get many benefits later. So what are the benefits?
Can Reach Many Audiences
For this one benefit, it is actually influenced by many reasons. One of the reasons is none other than its strategic location.
CPI itself stands for Center Point of Indonesia. As the center point of Indonesia, CPI Makassar is certainly close to various public facilities.
As for the next reason, CPI has various cool photo spots. For example, Pinisi Bridge, World Ball Replica, Sunset Quay, and Juku Kalabine Sculpture.
Easy to Convey Information
You will also find it easy to convey information when advertising on the CPI Makassar triangle videotron. One of the reasons is of course because of its strategic location, making it easier for the audience to see it.
The next reason is the use of LEDs. The triangle videotron at CPI Makassar uses LED technology so that the display of advertisements looks clearer.
A clear and detailed ad display can help the audience to understand the information. Whether it’s when the ad airs during the day or at night, it can still make it easier for the audience to see the information.
There is still another reason why advertisements on the CPI Makassar triangle videotron make it easier for you to convey information. The reason is none other than because of its size.
The Makassar CPI triangle videotron has a large size. Its jumbo size makes it easy for audiences to see advertisements even from a long distance.