Video mapping at the ASEAN Summit 2023 has proven to be an effective creative promotion strategy. The 43rd ASEAN High-Level Conference left a distinct impression on attendees due to the presence of video mapping on four skyscrapers, specifically in front of the Gala Dinner area.
Creative Promotion Strategy Through Video Mapping
ASEAN Summit 2023, which focused on conveying optimism and positive energy from Southeast Asian countries and their partners, garnered significant public attention. There were several reasons why this summit stood out, one of which was its creative promotional strategy utilizing video mapping. Notably, this video mapping was featured on four buildings within the SCBD area.
The choice of this location for the creative promotion strategy was not arbitrary. The SCBD (Sudirman Central Business District) is an integrated business district that offers easy accessibility from various directions, making it a strategically located venue.
The video mapping itself was the work of Wishnutama Kusubandio, the former Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, who currently serves as a Commissioner at Tokopedia. The video mapping displayed images identical to the live stage performances, transforming these skyscrapers into giant screens. The buildings involved in this mapping included two BEI (Bursa Efek Indonesia) buildings, also known as the IDX Tower, and two Mandiri Tower buildings. Thanks to the video mapping on these colossal structures, the public could follow the ASEAN Summit 2023 from the beginning to the end of the event.
Understanding Video Mapping
When discussing creative promotion strategies, video mapping is a significant factor contributing to the success of the ASEAN Summit 2023. Therefore, it is essential to have a closer look at what video mapping entails.
In essence, video mapping is closely related to the use of virtual programs to map the surfaces of two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects. The software interacts with projectors by mimicking the surface to be projected. Through this process, video mapping can adapt any image to the screen’s surface.
Advantages and Benefits of Video Mapping
As a creative promotion strategy in today’s technologically advanced era, it is crucial to understand the advantages and benefits of video mapping. Here are some of them:
One of the advantages of using video mapping is its proven time-saving capability. This is particularly beneficial, as it allows you to allocate valuable time to other essential activities. The time-saving aspect is due to the elimination of the need to decorate all surfaces for an event. With this time-saving feature, you can use video mapping for promotions, advertisements, exhibitions, branding, or events with impressive experiences.
It’s no secret that creative promotion strategies through video mapping can be customized to your preferences and needs. This flexibility allows you to choose the event and the content you want to display. You can even choose the surface you want to project on. In essence, video mapping provides an opportunity for creative expression.
Flexible Location
When implementing video mapping, you don’t need to worry about the location or venue. Video mapping can be showcased in places with poor accessibility. You can even project it on low ceilings or small doors, and the quality remains excellent, providing maximum benefits.
Creative promotion strategies through video mapping, like the one used at the ASEAN Summit 2023, can be easily set up and transported. This is because video mapping setups are relatively simple. Moreover, you can easily move them to different locations. This portability makes it a practical choice, and the results are visually stunning.
The creative promotion strategy through video mapping, as seen at the ASEAN Summit 2023, offers a unique approach. Video mapping not only ensures high-quality promotion but also delivers optimal benefits. So, don’t hesitate to embrace video mapping and experience its various advantages.