Outdoor advertising will be even more amazing with Virtual and Augmented Reality(AR) specialists. AR is a technology that allows real-time integration of digital content. Making with computers and the real world. This technology is not new. Both are technologies that allow customers to connect with two or three-dimensional images.
While Virtual Reality (VR) is a three-dimensional image and you can interact in it. This detailed explanation of VR makes you enter into the virtual world.
Benefits of Using Virtual and Augmented Reality for Business Advertising
Actually AR and VR are almost the same, the difference is the device to capture the image.
Even to enjoy AR content will require a smartphone. While VR requires a VR headset which is usually in the form of glasses.
The world of advertising continues to follow technological and digital developments. Competition is increasingly visible in the fight for consumer attention.
This is in order to balance the noise of the communication war which ultimately makes the advertising world increasingly innovate to find the latest inventions that are getting better.
Especially with Virtual and Augmented Reality technology which has become a new battlefield tool or medium for large businesses and companies. Google, Facebook and other social media are no exception.
AR advertising allows users or virtually anyone to interact with a variety of products. This is like trying on glasses to matching furniture with the house. Anyone can buy it online.
AR is a technology that manipulates existing reality by displaying digital content and information through the user’s screen. So this AR creates the illusion that users see in the real world.
This Virtual and Augmented Reality technology helps you in displaying whatever visualization you want. This is without limiting the type of material presented. So as to be able to convey information in detail and more interactively.
The Importance of VR and AR Marketing
With the development of today’s technology making new changes more sophisticated and easy. Of course it’s great to see the advertising and printing industry outside the home. it embraces complementary technologies with great enthusiasm and fun.
Customers can enjoy the results of the display of advertisements that present unique and real things. Regardless of customer increase or engagement in advertising. But from the perspective of ad management or marketing campaigns.
On the other hand, there are benefits to adding Virtual and Augmented Reality to the engagement. Users can be tracked in realtime.
From location to duration accurately. In addition, it is easy to see online purchases and the value of orders.
Even another benefit is that it can measure the profit of an ad or campaign as a whole. Users can view investments and observe what works and is profitable and what doesn’t.
So that it can improve future advertisements so that sales are maximized and bring big profits.
By using Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat as Virtual and Augmented Reality platforms, consumers not only use these pre-existing applications more easily, but these ads are able to collect invaluable demographic information.
Of course about the campaign participants who are most involved in it. Both age, interests, gender, hobbies and all important things for planning online and offline campaigns so that they can be wider again.
Other benefits can all have engagement, interactivity to the quantity of digital and real-world marketing.
Virtual and Augmented Reality functions themselves to be able to visualize a product processing data in detail. Both showing the manufacturing process to the product outline. This makes visualization a simulator tool.
So that advertising will become an important part of real online promotion and sales.
Bring Dinosaurs In Real World Through AR
Thanks to AR technology, Google has previously succeeded in presenting dinosaurs in the real world. Initially by looking for objects and then displaying them in 3 dimensions at home and in the environment.
Using this AR dinosaurs can also appear on business locations for advertising. It can be used for promotion so as a marketing tool to develop business.
Usually, to bring dinosaurs to your place of business, you must have a cellphone that supports Virtual and Augmented Reality.
If you use a cellphone with Android 7 and above then you need to make sure the phone is supported by AR Core.
Likewise, if you use an iPhone, make sure you are running iOS 11. The dinosaur display moves like real and so real.
In Indonesia, this AR technology has been used by Alfa retailers through AlfaMind, namely a virtual store that can be used and is interested in becoming a partner to sell Alfa’s goods. So they do not have to open a real shop.
These AR ads appear after being activated by touch and opening the video ad. then consumers can also close this video ad. Virtual and Augmented Reality has become a technology that really helps business users and other sectors.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/alex-bradt_ar-newyorkcity-augmentedreality-ugcPost-6839192946819051521-_d8Y/