Lately, Jakarta videotrons have become the target of big well-known brands as the media of choice for their advertising promotions. You can see for yourself from the videotrons that appear on almost every street in Jakarta which contain advertisements for top brands. What are some examples? Let’s find out in the following article.

Jakarta Videotron is the target of big brands to launch special promotions
Jakarta as the central city of the Indonesian economy, no doubt makes it occupied by many large companies. Where not a few of them choose to use videotron services for promotional media and are indeed successful. Because this advertising media can attract a wider scope audience.
Videotron itself is a fairly large digital billboard or what you know as a type of electronic advertisement on a giant screen in the middle of a busy city. None other than the purpose, to provide important news, such as product promotion or branding. In addition, in contrast to billboard advertisements that show static images as a form of development, videotron results are more dynamic.
So it is not surprising, if now the Jakarta videotron is the target of big brands. The names of brands that successfully utilize videotrons as their promotional media include:
- Coca Cola, Awakening the Spirit with Colors
As one of the global beverage brands, Coca Cola has been successful in utilizing videotrons to create quality advertisements. The combination of colors and attractive images in videotron advertisements is also able to bring a cheerful positive impression of Coca Cola. Well, through such a display, Coca Cola finally succeeded in the process of branding products and creating an emotional connection with consumers.
- Samsung, Leading Technology in Big Dimensions
Who doesn’t know Samsung? The most popular technology brand among the world community including Indonesia itself. Samsung has also successfully created a videotron as a showcase for the innovation and sophistication of their products.
Supported by a sophisticated visual model, Samsung is able to attract consumer interest in their products, such as cell phones, tabs or TVs. It turns out that not only as a means of promotion, videotrons are also a place to show off the latest technology in a larger dimension.
- Nike, Brightening the Streets with Inspirational Messages
The sports brand with the slogan “Just Do It” is able to guarantee their success in using videotrons as a promotional medium. By contracting with the world’s athletes and doing one epic scene after another, Nike’s commercials are able to encourage others to achieve their dreams.
Well, from here the role of videotron will feel very effective. Because as we know, videotrons are on the streets where many people can see them. So from there, the large dimensions of the videotron are able to channel Nike’s inspirational messages and have a positive impact on product branding.
Advantages of Videotron as a Means of Promotion
The reason why the Jakarta videotron is the target of big brands is because of the advantages that users can feel, namely:
- High Visibility
Usually videotrons are located in crowded places that are classified as strategic, such as on the side of the main road or shopping center. So surely your ad will be seen by many people.
- Content Flexibility
Videotron is a very flexible type of advertising. Evidenced by the low level of difficulty in updating or changing as needed without any additional costs for reprinting.
- Dynamic Display
Unlike static print ads, videotrons have the opportunity to present animated and video content. Where it will attract more people’s interest.
- High Repetition Rate
One of the other reasons why the Jakarta videotron is the target of big brands, namely its operating time throughout the day will further open up the possibility of your product advertising message being seen by the audience.
- Strong Attraction
Bright and attractive visual images from videotrons will be more effective in attracting attention than other promotional media. Especially if at night or in low light conditions, right?
- Local Targeting
Subscribing to videotron advertising in specific locations makes your opportunity to reach local target audiences effectively more wide open. For example, for the promotion of local events or special products in the relevant area.
- Brand Awareness Effect
If advertisements appear frequently on videotrons, it will accelerate you in building strong brand awareness. Because the audience remembers the brands they often see, especially if it is interesting.
Things to Pay Attention to in order to Maximize Videotron Effectiveness
First, you must be able to choose a videotron that is in a strategic place. With the intention that it can be seen by some people and will be able to attract many potential buyers.
Second, use the best videotron services in Jakarta, such as the trusted Rebound Ads. Because, the accuracy of the choice of services will be closely related to the results of the videotron later.
Third, don’t let the duration of the ad exceed 15 seconds to be effective, but be concise and contained. Finally, recruit the best people and experts in the field of advertising such as video editing or graphic design.
Now you know why the Jakarta videotron is the target of big brands? So, don’t hesitate anymore and contact Rebound Ads immediately by clicking the link in this article.